Little wonder why a Semovita pot or a Jollof rice pot is soaked? You know the sad faces we have after all the delicious consuming moment of those food and the memory still fresh. Then you remember you ought to go back to wash the pot. Ouch!!! that moment alone is hard, struggling to get the burnt off....But as a proper African child that I am, I was taught to soak the pots for ease of yes the pot get filled and soaked with water. In the midst of crisis; Some say life is not fair!!! Some say life is so hard!!! Trials and difficulties are surely going to come but when ever they come try to get SOAKED IN. When you get SOAKED in God, trials and difficulties become soft and you just smile while brushing them off. You may wonder, how can I get SOAKED IN; Acquaint yourself with God, give in to His terms. Just like your pot agreed to your terms of you soaking it with water. When you do not pour water in it and leave it for some days, the pot still remains HARD AN...