Every body differs in many ways. Even identical twins in all their similarity still have differing component and personality. They wear the same clothes, shoes, make same hair but are still different in other ways. So until you discover your own uniqueness, you will keep walking in other's life. Until you discover your own niche, you will keep being an inferior of you and a second class quality to others. Everyone has his own unique attributes and traits. Just has the moon doesn't try to imitate the sun, so you shouldn't imitate others. There is a beauty that lies in being you, there is a joy that emanates from being your own person. Note that the longer you walk in another's niche, the farther you are away from discovering the real you. Your fulfillment shouldn't come from living another man's life but yours. Your smile shouldn't be formed from another man's experience of pain. Don't you know that every pain conquered by you as it own type of ...